Join us live online for regular dose of Watertight Thinking to support you in building a fantastic business-wide marketing capability.

Whether you’re a marketer, senior leader involved in sales and marketing or an MD, we have something for you every month.

First Wednesday of the Month

Live Strategic Roundtable

Join us on the first Wednesday of every month for a chinwag on a strategic marketing topic. “Like group therapy for misunderstood marketers ” was how one attendee put it!  A chance to share your thoughts and experiences and get marketing better seen, heard and understood.

 Live Online in 2024:

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Previous Sessions

Watertight Wednesday Podcast

“Thanks Bryony. Really clear and informative session.”

“Highly motivating. Thank you so much for sharing your time.”

“Thank you for such a great thought provoking presentation once again.”

“Thanks Bryony, that was really thought provoking. Very inspirational.”

“It’s been a great use of my time today – so glad I heard about it this.”

“It does seem a wee bit like Everest at times…. but you break it down so well. Thanks”

Join our next live event…

First Wednesday of the Month | Midday

Small businesses matter.

Thriving small businesses are the results of countless hours of emotional and financial energy. Often the founders and directors have risked their mortgages, marriages, mental health, and more. When these people, and the leaders within their businesses, tell us that their marketing isn’t working as well as they want it to, we know it really matters.